Thursday, April 27, 2006

Calling all huggers

Okay so Evan and I were walking last night and we were chatting about hugs. I don't know why but it came up. But anywho, we were and talking about since we don't have family up here we don't hug too many other people around other than our Bible Study gang. So just wondering who are the huggers out there that don't mind a greeting with a hug. I know that Angie isn't but I'm figuring that she's just a rare bird. Evan likes hugs too but if you are a chicky...beware..I'm always watching so side hugs please if you want to greet him with a hug too. Thanks.


Andy said...

Well, I'm a big hugger! And yes, Angie is one of those strange people who don't like hugs, but we all hug her anyway because, well, we can (and because it bugs her!) LOL You can hug me anytime Jess!!!!

amyc08 said...

well i am a hugger too -amy

Joni said...

I'm a hugger!

By, the way...loved the part about the side hugs! :) You're too funny...

Lisa said...

I used to hate hugs, but I have learned to appreciate them.

Miriam Solomon said...

can't you tell by the way i squeeze your daughter that i'm a hugger?!! BRING ON THE HUGS JESS!

Nichole said...

i'm a hugger :) just don't try to kiss me...there are a few people (ilarose, for example) that can kiss me, but it's kinda weird for other people.